Secondary school applications - September 2025

Applying for a Year 7 place in secondary school for September 2025
Your child is due to move on to secondary school in September 2025 having completed the primary phase of their education. You now need to apply for a place at secondary school for your child.
How to apply -
The easiest and quickest way to apply is online at:
You will need to register using an email address. You may also download a copy of the composite prospectus from our website; ‘Applying for a Secondary school place in west Northamptonshire for September 2025’, and you are advised to read this carefully before making your application. Alternatively, you can make an application by completing a common application form on paper. You can request an application form from the School Admissions Team. Some schools require you to complete a supplementary information form (SIF) and some also require your child to sit a common ability test (CAT). There is a list of schools which require a SIF on our website. SIFs should be returned directly to the school. It is important to be aware that some schools give priority to children who sit their common ability test, so those who do not will have less chance of getting a place.
Closing date for applications -
Your application must reach us by 31st October 2024. Failure to get your application in on time will affect your chances of obtaining a place for your child at your preferred schools.
Pupils with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHC Plan) -
If your child has an EHC Plan, you do not need to apply for a school place using the process explained above. Instead, you will receive a letter from the EHC Team seeking details of your school preference.
Pupils living outside West Northamptonshire -
If your home address is outside West Northamptonshire (even if your child attends a West Northamptonshire primary / junior school), you should make your application to the local authority where you live (your home local authority), not WNC. Contact details of neighbouring local authorities can be found on our website. Please contact the School Admissions team (details above) if you have any further questions. Yours faithfully, School Admissions Team