School Reopens - Monday 6th September
Please also note the timings of the school day from September 6th:-
Front and back gates open |
8:40am |
Classroom doors open (including Nursery) |
from 8:45am |
Registration |
8:55am - marked late after 9:05 |
Front and back gates open for end of day collection |
3:10pm |
End of school day Reception to Year 6 |
3:20pm |
End of day for Nursery |
3:30pm (Please note that parents of Nursery children are able to pick up from 3:20) |
*Please note – Reception children are not in school full time from September 6th and so they should follow the letter sent last week which explains on what days and times they should come to school. Nursery parents – please refer to your email regarding your child’s start date/time.
- Children should still come to school in PE kits on PE days
- Ties continue to not be essential uniform in Years 5 and 6 but can be worn if wished. All other school uniform (including school shoes) should continue to be worn.